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"The help y'all gave me helped me help myself and my family."


"These services were a lifesaver." - DR

"We appreciate your services, they are excellent. We were well served."


"I don't know how I would have done this without CTLP's help!"

- MJ

"I was in trouble, now I am not!!! Thank you!" - DF

CTLP toca la vida de cientos de contribuyentes cada año

"I have very little knowledge about tax returns, and English is not my primary language. Your help was huge for me. Thank you so much!" - E

"They helped me take a big load off me and my family." - BH

"Thank you so much for your help. You will never truly appreciate how grateful myself and my family are to you!" - RF

No ignore sus problemas de impuestos

Busque ayuda para resolver sus problemas tributarios ahora.  Puede que tenga más opciones de las que cree.  ¡Comuníquese con CTLP hoy!

Manténgase informado

Father and Children

The Dirty Dozen:
the worst of the
worst tax scams.

Don't fall prey.

Los contribuyentes que presentan prórrogas de 2021 no tienen que esperar hasta el 17 de octubre


El IRS actualiza preguntas y respuestas acerca del Crédito tributario por ingreso del trabajo para el año tributario 2021

David M. Sams, Director Ejecutivo,  es la persona responsable del contenido de este sitio web.

(804) 358-5855

©2022 Proyecto Comunitario de Leyes de Impuestos

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